В этой заключительной части настроим ОС через файл STARTUP.CMD
- Включим очередь для принтера
- Включим командный обработчик DCL
- Установим в систему некоторое ПО: редактор EDT, утилиту PIP и task builder.
- Сконфигурируем линии DZ11 на использование VT100 терминала
Для внесения изменений в STARTUP.CMD необходимы некоторые знания по редактору EDT. Как пользоваться EDT опишу в следующем посте т.к. редактор строковый.
>SET /UIC=[1,2]
и вносим изменения выделенные жирным:
.ENABLE SUBSTITUTION .SETS RK05 "DK" .SETS RL01 "DL" .ASKS TIM PLEASE ENTER TIME AND DATE (HR:MN DD-MMM-YY) TIM 'TIM' .ASKN [::132.] N ENTER LINE WIDTH OF THIS TERMINAL SET /BUF=TI:'N'. .IF RK05 EQ "''" .GOTO END .IF RL01 NE "' '" .GOTO BIG .IFINS ...ACS ACS SY:/BLKS=512. .GOTO END .BIG: .IFINS ...ACS ACS SY:/BLKS=1024. .END: .IFT .GOTO 50 .IFNINS QUE .IFNINS ELI .IFNINS DCL .GOTO 50 ; ; This system startup command file (LB:[1,2]STARTUP.CMD) contains a ; template of commands to initialize the queue print spooler and queue ; LP0:, initialize the error logger, initialize the DCL CLI, and install ; the RMS Library and Utilities. As is these commands are commented out ; and are not executed. To include these commands as part of the ; startup procedure, edit the file to remove the period and semi-colon ; (.;) comment delimiter from the beginning of each line. These ; commands may be useful for initializing the various facilities for ; your installation or else they may provide a model with which to ; tailor initialization commands for your particular installation. ; .50: .; ; .; ; INITIALIZE THE QUEUE PRINT SPOOLER .; ; .; ; START THE QUEUE MANAGER QUE /START:QMG .; ; QUEUE LP0: QUE LP0:/CR/NM QUE LP0:/SPOOL/FLAG:1 QUE LP0:/ASSIGN:PRINT .; ; .; ; INITIALIZE THE ERRORLOGER .; .; ELI /LOG .; ; .; ; INITIALIZE DCL .; ; CLI /INIT=DCL/TASK=...DCL .; ; .; ; .; ; INSTALL RMS LIBRARIES AND UTILITIES .; ; .; ; NOTE - These examples use the top of the GEN partition to create an .; ; appropriate sized partition. You must replace "base" in each of the .; ; examples below with the octal address of the base of the new .; ; partition. .; ; .; ; If you wish to use the full-function RMS resident library, .; ; use the following commands: .; ; .; SET /TOP=GEN:-1300 .; SET /MAIN=RMSRES:36531:1300:COM .; INS LB:[1,1]RMSRES.TSK .; ; .; ; If you wish to use the subset RMS resident library, use the .; ; following commands: .; .; SET /TOP=GEN:-600 .; SET /MAIN=RMSRES:base:600:COM .; INS LB:[1,1]RMSRESSUB.TSK .; ; .; ; If you wish to use the RMSDAP resident library to access RMS files .; ;on remote nodes, create a partition and install the following library: .; .; SET /TOP=GEN:-500 .; SET /MAIN=DAPRES:base:500:COM .; INS LB:[1,1]DAPRES.TSK .; ; .; ;The following RMS utilities may be individually installed as needed: .; ; .; INS LB:[1,54]RMSDES.TSK .; INS LB:[1,54]RMSDEF.TSK .; INS LB:[1,54]RMSBCK.TSK .; INS LB:[1,54]RMSRST.TSK .; INS LB:[1,54]RMSCNV.TSK .; INS LB:[1,54]RMSIFL.TSK .; INS LB:[1,54]RMSDSP.TSK INS LB:[1,54]PIP.TSK INS LB:[1,54]EDT.TSK INS LB:[1,54]TKB.TSK SET /VT100=TT1: SET /VT100=TT2: SET /VT100=TT3: SET /VT100=TT4: SET /VT100=TT5: SET /VT100=TT6: SET /VT100=TT7: SET /VT100=TT10:
На этом всё, система полностью готова к работе.