FMS-11/RSX V2.1 это система управления Ввода/Вывода основанная на использовании форм и применяющаяся в разработке приложений ввода данных. Само приложение можно разрабатывать на многих популярных языках для которых как видно ниже есть библиотеки и примеры.
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>UFD [30,10] >SET /UIC=[30,10] >INS $FLX >MOU/FOR MS0: >FLX SY:/RS=MS0:[30,10]FMSINS.CMD/DO >@FMSINS >; >; FMSINS.CMD >; >; Copyright (C) 1985 by >; Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. >; >; Install FMS-11/RSX >; >SET /MCR=TI: >; >; >* Enter distribution device and unit number [S R:2-3]: MS0 >; >; >; >* Is the distribution tape 1600 BPI? [Y/N]: Y >; >FLX SY:/RS=MS0:[30,10]*.*/DO/DNS:1600. >FLX SY:/RS=MS0:[30,20]*.*/DO/IM/DNS:1600. >; >DMO MS0: 17:03:50 *** MS0: -- Dismount complete DMO -- TT0: dismounted from MS0: *** Final dismount initiated *** >; >; >PIP TI:=README.TXT FMS-11/RSX V 2.1 07-NOV-86 Introduction This kit contains the necessary files to install FMS-11/RSX Version 2.1 . Installation DIGITAL recommends that this kit be installed in the [30,10] directory with /NONAMED_DIRECTORY set as the default. If you wish to install this kit in other than [30,10] and/or in /NAMED_DIRECTORY mode, set your default to the chosen directory, copy [30,10]FMSINS.CMD from the kit to the default directory, and start the installation procedure (@FMSINS). The installation is directory and device independant, however, future updates to FMS-11/RSX 2.1 will assume a [30,10] installation. New functionality Two FDV keypad definitions are now available. The first is the same keypad used for FMS-11 1.0. The second duplicates similar functionality with the VAX FMS keypad. The standard libraries on this kit are built with the V 1.0 keypad layout. The differences between the two are as follows: FMS-11 1.0 FMS-11/RSX 2.1 ---------------------- -------------------------- (PF1) Insert/Overstrike (PF3) switch to overstrike toggle switch mode (PF1)(PF3) switch to insert mode (PF3) Exit Scrolled (PF1)(Uparrow) Exit scrolled area backwards backwards (PF4) Exit Scrolled (PF1)(Dowmarrow) Exit scrolled area forward forwards To build your Form Driver with the new keyboard layout use the FDVBLD.CMD procedure. >; >; Build FMS Utilities and Demo Programs >; >; >; FMSBLD.CMD >; >; Copyright (C) 1985 by >; Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA >; >SET /MCR=TI: >; >; >* Build FORTRAN IV UETP and demo programs ? [Y/N]: Y INS -- File not found >; >; FORTRAN IV compiler (...FOR) not available. >; FORTRAN IV demo and UETP won't be built >; >; >* Build FORTRAN-77 UETP and demo programs ? [Y/N]: Y >; >; FORTRAN-77 OTS FILE LB:[1,1]F77FCSOTS.OLB not available. >; FORTRAN-77 FCS versions of demo and UETP won't be built >; >; FORTRAN-77 OTS FILE LB:[1,1]F77RMSOTS.OLB not available. >; FORTRAN-77 RMS versions of demo won't be built >; >; FORTRAN-77 demo's and UETP won't be built >; >; >* Build COBOL-11 demo programs ? [Y/N]: Y >; >; COBOL-11 OTS FILE LB:[1,1]CBLLIB.OLB not available. >; COBOL-11 demo's won't be built >; >; >* Build COBOL-81 demo programs ? [Y/N]: Y INS -- File not found >; >; COBOL-81 compiler (...C81) not available. >; COBOL-81 demo's won't be built >; >; >* Build BASIC-PLUS-II demo programs ? [Y/N]: Y >; >* Build DIBOL-83 demo programs ? [Y/N]: Y >; >* Build RMS demo's with RMSRES resident library? [Y/N]: Y >; >; Build the FMS utilities (FED and FUT) >; >TKB @FEDTKB >TKB @FUTTKB >; >; >; Build the FMS demonstration programs in FORTRAN IV, FORTRAN-77 >; COBOL-11, COBOL-81, BASIC-PLUS-II, DIBOL-83, and MACRO. >; >; >; DEMBLD.CMD >; >; Copyright (C) 1985 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA >; >; Build the demonstration programs >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; Task build BASIC-PLUS-II demo >; >BP2 @BASDEM PDP-11 BASIC-PLUS-2 V2.7-00 @BASDEM @BASDEM OLD BASDEM.B2S COMPILE/LIST/OBJECT BASDEM 05:04 PM 06-Feb-;6 EXIT >TKB @BASRMSRES >; >; Task name is BASRMSRES.TSK >; >; >; Build DIBOL-83 demo >; >DIB DBLDEM,DBLDEM=DBLDEM No errors detected >TKB @DBLRMSRES >; >; Task name is DBLRMSRES.TSK >; >; >; Build MACRO demo >; >MAC @MACDEM MCR -- Task not in system >TKB @MACFCSTKB TKB -- *FATAL*-Lookup failure on file MACDEM.OBJ >; >; Task name is MACFCSDEM.TSK >; >; >; >; Build the UETP >; >; >; UTPBLD.CMD >; >; Copyright (C) 1985 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA >; >; Build the FMS UETP >; >SET /MCR=TI: >; >; >; >; Assemble MACRO version of the file initialization program >; >MAC INITF,INITF/CR/-SP=INITF MCR -- Task not in system >; >; Task build file initialization program >; >TKB @INITKB TKB -- *FATAL*-Lookup failure on file INITF.OBJ >; >; Assemble script modules >; >; Assemble FDV terminal I/O module with script hook >; included by SCRSYM.MAC >; >MAC UTPTIO,UTPTIO/CR/-SP=FMSMAC/ML,SCRSYM,FDVTIO MCR -- Task not in system >MAC UTPFDV,UTPFDV/CR/-SP=FMSMAC/ML,SCRSYM,FDV,FDVXIO MCR -- Task not in system >; >; Assemble UETP Script Processor >; >MAC SCRIPT,SCRIPT/CR/-SP=FMSMAC/ML,SCRIPT MCR -- Task not in system >; >; Assemble MACRO version of UETP >; >MAC SIS,SIS/CR/-SP=FMSMAC/ML,SIS MCR -- Task not in system >; >; Task build MACRO version of UETP >; >TKB @UTPMACTKB TKB -- *FATAL*-Lookup failure on file SIS.OBJ >; >; >; >; >; >; >; Build any desired Forms Driver resident library >; >; >; FDV RESIDENT LIBRARY GERNERATOR >; >; The options are : >; >; 1) Build FDV resident library with RMS-11 support >; 2) Build FDV resident library with FCS CODE >; 3) Build FDV resident library with FCS support >; 4) None (exit) >; >; >* Which resident library would you like to build [O]: 1 >; >; Build the FDVRMS resident library. Library will >; have RMS support. >; >MAC @FDVRMSRES.CMD MCR -- Task not in system >TKB @FDVRMSTKB.CMD TKB -- *FATAL*-Lookup failure on file FDVDRL.OBJ >SET /UIC=[1,1] >ASN LB:=SY: >PIP *.*/UF/NV=DB0:[30,10]FDVRMS.TSK,.STB PIP -- No such file(s) DB0:[30,10]FDVRMS.TSK PIP -- No such file(s) DB0:[30,10].STB >SET /UIC=[30,10] >ASN DB0:=SY: >REMOVE FDVRMS/REG REM -- Common not in system >INSTALL LB:[1,1]FDVRMS/PAR=GEN INS -- File not found >PIP FDVDRL.OBJ;*/DE PIP -- No such file(s) SY0:[30,10]FDVDRL.OBJ;* >; >; Applications built against the FDVRMS library should include >; the module FDVDRT.OBJ at taskbuild time. >; >; >; >* Would you like the RMS demos built clustered with RMS? [Y/N]: Y >; >; Build BASIC+II demo with RMSRES and FDVRMS clustered >; >TKB @BASRMSCLS TKB -- *FATAL*-Lookup failure on file FDVDRT.OBJ >; >; Task name is BASRMSCLS >; >; >; Build Dibol-83 demo with RMSRES and FDVRMS and DBLRSX clustered >; >TKB @DBLRMSCLS TKB -- *FATAL*-Lookup failure on file FDVDRT.OBJ >; >; Task name is DBLRMSCLS.TSK >; >; >; FDV RESIDENT LIBRARY GERNERATOR >; >; The options are : >; >; 1) Build FDV resident library with RMS-11 support >; 2) Build FDV resident library with FCS CODE >; 3) Build FDV resident library with FCS support >; 4) None (exit) >; >; >* Which resident library would you like to build [O]: 4 >; >; >; >; Installation complete >; >@>
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