Установка C

Posted by Unik on 04.03.2014

Теперь устанавливаем язык Си v1.1 Установка производится так же как и ПАСКАЛЬ.

Скачиваем pdp11_c_v1_1.zip и приступаем:

sim> ATTACH TS0 pdp11_c_v1_1.tpc
sim> boot rp0


>hello system

RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6   BL87    [1,54] System    RSXMPL 
2-MAR-14 18:28     Logged on Terminal TT0:  as SYS2

Good Evening
*                                                               *
    *                    Welcome to RSX-11M-PLUS                    *
    *                                                               *
    *                  Version 4.6  Base level 87                   *
    *                This is file LB:[1,2]LOGIN.TXT                 *
    *                                                               *

    Last interactive login on Sunday, March 2, 2014  18:25:34 (TT0:)
>mou/for ms0:

RSX-11M/M-PLUS Auto-Install Procedure V1.1

          02-MAR-14    18:29:22

Type "?" for help; CTRL/Z to end; or valid input.

Which product(s) do you want to install? CCC

Type "?" for help; CTRL/Z to exit Auto-Install; or valid input.

Where are the update files located ? MS0:

Type "?" for help; CTRL/Z to skip this product; or valid input.

Which device are the distribution files for CCC (CCC) located on (include colon)
? MS0:

BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MS0:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on MS0:

BRU - Completed

Products being installed:

    Device  Product Task name

    ------  ------- ---------

    MS0:    CCC (CCC)

Determining system configuration.

BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MS0:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on MS0:

BRU - Completed

Do you want to customize CCC (CCC) (Y/N) ? Y
Suppress use of I/D space feature even if present ? 

Task directory ? 

Target device ? 

Print release notes ? 

Print log file ? 

Do you want to customize CCC (CCC) again (Y/N) ?  

Installation of CCC (CCC) beginning at 02-MAR-14 18:29:50


Transferring kit files to work area.

BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MS0:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on MS0:

BRU - Completed

BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MS0:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on MS0:

BRU - Completed

18:29:50  *** MS0:  -- Dismount complete
DMO -- TT0:    dismounted from MS0:    *** Final dismount initiated ***

Building product CCC (CCC).

 Installing PDP-11 C product files

 You must add the following line to your system startup command file:


  PDP-11 C installation procedure ended 

Transferring files from work area.

Running IVP command procedure CCCIVP.CMD.

 Start of PDP-11 C Installation Verification Procedure

 Verifying operation of PDP-11 C

 Verifying presence of PDP-11 C product files

 CCC has passed.

Installation of CCC (CCC) ending at 02-MAR-14 18:29:53.

PIP -- Not a directory device

Installation of CCC (CCC) successful.

Auto-Install ended on 02-MAR-14 at 18:29:54.

Simulation stopped, PC: 021240 (BR 21206)