Коды ошибок RSX11M+

Posted by Unik on 15.02.2016

Мне часто бывает нужно посмотреть код возникнувшей ошибки в RSX11M+ и каждый раз искать в документации их не охота, поэтому выкладываю коды здесь чтобы иногда загядывать сюда :) Также эти коды используются и в RSX11M но их там меньше.

Коды ошибок директив

    Error Number
Abbr    (Dec)   (Oct)   Meaning

.UPN    -1  377     Insufficient dynamic storage
.INS    -2  376     Specified task not installed
.PTS    -3  375     Partition too small for task
.UNS    -4  374     Insufficient dynamic storage for send
.ULN    -5  373     Unassigned logical unit number (LUN)
.HWR    -6  372     Device handler not resident
.ACT    -7  371     Task not active
.ITS    -8  370     Directive inconsistent with task state
.FIX    -9  367     Task already fixed/unfixed
.CKP    -10     366     Issuing task not checkpointable
.TCH    -11     365     Task is checkpointable
.RBS    -15     361     Receive buffer too small
.PRI    -16     360     Privilege violation
.RSU    -17     357     Resource in use
.NSW    -18     356     No swap space available
.ILV    -19     355     Illegal vector specified
.ITN    -20     354     Illegal table number
.LNF    -21     353     Logical name not found
.AST    -80     260     Directive issued/not issued from asynchronous system trap (AST)
.MAP    -81     257     Illegal mapping specified
.lOP    -83     255     Window has I/O in progress
.ALG    -84     254     Alignment error
.WOV    -85     253     Address window allocation overflow
.NVR    -86     252     Invalid region 10
.NVW    -87     251     Invalid address window 10
.ITP    -88     250     Invalid TI: parameter
.IBS    -89     247     Invalid send buffer size (greater than 25510)
.LNL    -90     246     LUN locked in use
.lUI    -91     245     Invalid User Identification Code (UIC)
.IOU    -92     244     Invalid device or unit
.ITI    -93     243     Invalid time parameters
.PNS    -94     242     Partition/region not in system
.IPR    -95     241     Invalid priority (greater than 25010)
.ILU    -96     240     Invalid logical unit number (LUN)
.IEF    -97     237     Invalid event flag (number)
.ADP    -98     236     Part of Directive Parameter Block(DPB) out of user's space
.SDP    -99     235     Directive Identification Code(DIC) or DPB size invalid

Коды ошибок I/O

    Error Number
Abbr    (Dec)   (Oct)   Meaning

.BAD    -1  377     Bad parameters
.IFC    -2  376     Invalid function code
.DNR    -3  375     Device not ready
.VER    -4  374     Parity error on device
.ONP    -5  373     Hardware option not present
.SPC    -6  372     Illegal user buffer
.DNA    -7  371     Device not attached
.DAA    -8  370     Device already attached
.DUN    -9  367     Device not attachable
.EOF    -10     366     End-of-file (EOF) detected
.EOV    -11     365     End-of-volume (EOV) detected
.WLK    -12     364     Write attempted to locked unit
.DAO    -13     363     Data overrun
.SRE    -14     362     Send/receive failure
.ABO    -15     361     Request terminated
.PRI    -16     360     Privilege violation
.RSU    -17     357     Shareable resource in use
.OVR    -18     356     Illegal overlay request
.BYT    -19     355     Odd byte count (or virtual address)
.BLK    -20     354     Logical block number (LBN) too large
,MOD    -21     353     Invalid Universal Digital Controller (UDC) module number
.CON    -22     352     UDC connect error
.NOD    -23     351     Caller's nodes exhausted
.DFU    -24     350     Device full
.IFU    -25     347     Index file full
.NSF    -26     346     No such file
.LCK    -27     345     Locked from read/write access
.HFU    -28     344     File header full
.WAC    -29     343     Accessed for write
.CKS    -30     342     File header checksum failure
.WAr    -31     341     Attribute control list format error
.RER    -32     340     File processor device read error
.WER    -33     337     File processor device write error
.ALN    -34     336     File already accessed on logical unit number (LUN)
.SNC    -35     335     File 10, file number check
.SQC    -36     334     File 10, sequence number check
.NLN    -37     333     No file accessed on LUN
.CLO    -38     332     File was not properly closed
.NBF    -39     331     Open-No buffer space available for file
.RBG    -40     330     Illegal record size
.NBK    -41     327     File exceeds space allocated, no blocks
.ILL    -42     326     Illegal operation on File Descriptor Block (FOB)
.BTP    -43     325     Bad record type
.RAC    -44     324     Illegal record access bits set
.RAT    -45     323     Illegal record attribute bits set
.RCN    -46     322     Illegal record number-too large
.ICE    -47     321     Internal consistency error
.2DV    -48     320     Rename-two different devices
.FEX·   -49     317     Rename-a new file name already in use
.BDR    -50     316     Bad directory file
.RNM    -51     315     Cannot rename old file system
.BDI    -52     314     Bad directory syntax
.FOP    -53     313     File already open
.BNM    -54     312     Bad file name
.BDV    -55     311     Bad device name
.BBE    -56     310     Bad block on device
.DUP    -57     307     Enter-duplicate entry in directory
.STK    -58     306     Not enough stack space (File Control Services (FCS) or file control processor (FCP)
.FHE    -59     305     Fatal hardware error on device
.NFI    -60     304     File ID was not specified
.ISQ    -61     303     Illegal sequential operation
.EOT    -62     302     End-of-tape (EOT) detected
.BVR    -63     301     Bad version number
.BHD    -64     300     Bad file header
.OFL    -65     277     Device off line
.BCC    -66     276     Block check, cyclic redundancy check (CRC), or framing error
.ONL    -67     275     Device on line
.NNN    -68     274     No such node
.NFW    -69     273     Path lost to partner
.DIS    -69     273     Path lost to partner
.8LB    -70     272     Bad logical buffer
.TMM    -71     271     Too many outstanding messages
.NDR    -72     270     No dynamic space available
.UR}    -73     267     Connection rejected by user
.NR}    -74     266     Connection rejected by network
.EXP    -75     265     File expiration date not reached
.BTF    -76     264     Bad tape format
.NNC    -77     263     Not ANSI "Dn format byte count
.NDA    -78     262     No data available
.NLK    -79     261     Task not linked to specified ICSjICR interrupts
.NST    -80     260     Specified task not installed
.AST    -80     260     No asynchronous system trap(AST) specified in connect
.FLN    -81     257     Device off line when offline request was issued
.IES    -82     256     Invalid escape sequence
.PES    -83     255     Partial escape sequence
.ALC    -84     254     Allocation failure
.ULK    -85     253     Unlock error
.WCK    -86     252     Write-check failure
.NTR    -87     251     Task not triggered
.REJ    -88     250     Transfer rejected by receiving central processing unit (CPU)
.FLG    -89     247     Event flag already specified
.DSQ    -90     246     Disk quota exceeded
.IQU    -91     245     Inconsistent qualifier usage
.RES    -92     244     Circuit reset during operation
.TML    -93     243     Too many links to task
.NNT    -94     242     Not a network task
.TMO    -95     241     Timeout on request
.CNR    -96     240     Connection rejected
.UKN    -97     237     Unknown name
.SZE    -98     236     Unable to size device
.MIl    -99     235     Media inserted incorrectly
.SPI    -100    234     Spindown ignored
.FER    -101    233     Forced error mark encountered
.IRR    -102    232     Insufficient resources at remote node
.sUI    -103    231     Service in use
.PIO    -104    230     Deaccess failed due to pending I/O
.CBE    -105    227     Compare buffer error

Если после не корректного выключения стали появляться такие ошибки:

10:15:42  SYSLOG -- 70. *ERROR* On scan file open
10:15:42  SYSLOG -- 4. FCS I/O error code = 334
file: DU0:[???,???]SYSSCAN.TMP;1

То исправить это можно так:

SET /DEF=[1,6]