Устанавливать DECnet-11M-PLUS V4.6 будем с ленты, для чего понадобится диск под NETGEN. Создадим его, смонтировав пустой RL02 диск в rl0
ATTACH RL0 decnet.dsk
Дальше смотрим лог установки, где сначала подготавливаем наш чистый RL0 диск, копируем на него PREGEN.CMD и запускаем его.
sim> boot rp0 RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6 BL87 512.KW System:"PISTON" >RED DB:=SY: >RED DB:=LB: >RED DB:=SP: >MOU DB0:"RSX11MPBL87" >@DB:[1,2]STARTUP >; PLEASE NOTE >; >; If you have not yet read the system release notes, please do so >; now before attempting to perform a SYSGEN or to utilize the new >; features of this system. >; >; Z[c SET -- Inquire cannot determine terminal type >; >; Please ignore any random characters that may have printed on your >; terminal just now. They came from a SET /INQUIRE=TI: command. >; Evidently your terminal does not recognize escape sequences. >; This will not affect the running of this command file. >; >* Please enter time and date (HH:MM DD-MMM-YYYY) [S]: 19:46 21-JAN-2016 >TIME 19:46 21-JAN-2016 >ACS SY:/BLKS=1024. >CON ONLINE ALL >ELI /LOG/LIM >CLI /INIT=DCL/CTRLC/DPR="<15><12>/$ /" >INS LB:[1,1]RMSRESAB.TSK/RON=YES/PAR=GEN >INS LB:[1,1]RMSLBL.TSK/RON=YES/PAR=GEN >INS LB:[1,1]RMSLBM.TSK/RON=YES/PAR=GEN >INS $QMGCLI >INS $QMGCLI/TASK=...PRI >INS $QMGCLI/TASK=...SUB >QUE /START:QMG >INS $QMGPRT/TASK=PRT.../SLV=NO >QUE LP0:/CR/NM >START/ACCOUNTING >CON ESTAT LP0: >QUE LP0:/SP/FL:2/LOWER/FO:0 >QUE BAP0:/BATCH >QUE LP0:/AS:PRINT >QUE BAP0:/AS:BATCH >INS LB:[1,1]dblrsx/par=gen >INS $dibol83 >INS $dblmsgmgr >INS $dblsort1 >INS $dblsort2 >INS $dblmnugen/task=mnu >dcl run msgmgr /delay=1s >INS $F77 >INS $PDP11C >INS $PDPPAS >INS LB:[1,54]B2RESQ.TSK/RON=YES/PAR=GEN >INS $BP2IC2 >INS LB:[6,3]cobol.tsk >INS LB:[6,3]cblmrg.tsk >INS LB:[6,3]refrmt.tsk >INS $K11IDM >INS $EDT >INS $TKB >DFL LB:[GAMES]=SYS$GAMES/GBL/FIN >INS SYS$GAMES:COOKIE/TASK=...COO >@>INS $BAD >SET /UIC=[1,1] >ALL DL0: >MOU/FOR DL0: >BAD DL0: BAD -- DL0: Total bad blocks= 0. >INIT DL0: NETGEN >DMO DL0: 19:48:01 *** DL0: -- Dismount complete DMO -- TT0: dismounted from DL0: *** Final dismount initiated *** >DEA DL0: >MOU DL0: NETGEN >ALL MS0: >MOU/FOR MS0: >UFD DL0:[137,10] >SET /UIC=[137,10] >INS $BRU >BRU /REW/NOI/UFD MS0: DL0: BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MS0: BRU - End of Tape 1 on MS0: BRU - Completed >@DL0:[137,10]PREGEN >; >; ====================================================================== >; PREGEN - RSX-11M/S/M-PLUS CEX System Pre-Generation Procedure >; Started at 19:51:42 on 21-JAN-16 >; ====================================================================== >; >; Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998 by Mentec, Inc., U.S.A. >; All rights reserved >; >* 01.00 Do you wish to see the PREGEN notes? [Y/N]: N >; >; Installing the following tasks: >; FLX >; >* 04.00 Where is the Network distribution kit loaded [S]: MS0: >* 04.01 Is the tape already loaded in MS0:? [Y/N]: Y >* 04.02 Is the tape 1600 BPI? [Y/N]: Y >DMO MS0:/LOCK=V 19:58:01 *** MS0: -- Dismount complete DMO -- TT0: dismounted from MS0: *** Final dismount initiated *** >* 05.00 Where is the NETGEN disk loaded [S]: DL0: >* 05.01 Is the disk already loaded in DL0:? [Y/N]: Y BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MS0: BRU - End of Tape 1 on MS0: BRU - Completed 19:58:18 *** MS0: -- Dismount complete DMO -- TT0: dismounted from MS0: *** Final dismount initiated *** >; >* 03.00 Copy the DECnet distribution kit? [Y/N]: Y >* 04.00 Where is the DECnet distribution kit loaded [S]: MS0: >* 04.01 Is the tape already loaded in MS0:? [Y/N]: Y >* 04.02 Is the tape 1600 BPI? [Y/N]: Y BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MS0: BRU - End of Tape 1 on MS0: BRU - Completed 19:59:12 *** MS0: -- Dismount complete DMO -- TT0: dismounted from MS0: *** Final dismount initiated *** >; >* 03.00 Copy the PSI distribution kit? [Y/N]: Y >* 04.00 Where is the PSI distribution kit loaded [S]: MS0: >* 04.01 Is the tape already loaded in MS0:? [Y/N]: Y >* 04.02 Is the tape 1600 BPI? [Y/N]: Y FLX -- File not found MS0:[137,10]PSIMOV.DAT FLX -- File not found MS0:[137,10]PSIMOV.DAT >; >; Error - The file MS0:[137,10]PSIMOV.DAT could not be copied. >; 19:59:53 *** MS0: -- Dismount complete DMO -- TT0: dismounted from MS0: *** Final dismount initiated *** >; >* 03.00 Copy the PSI distribution kit? [Y/N]: N >; DMO -- TT0: dismounted from DL0: *** Final dismount initiated *** >; >; ====================================================================== >; PREGEN - Stopped at 20:00:23 on 21-JAN-16 >; ====================================================================== >; 20:00:23 *** DL0: -- Dismount complete >@ >MOU DL0: NETGEN >@DL0:[137,10]NETGEN >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - RSX-11M-PLUS CEX System Generation Procedure >; Started at 20:02:56 on 21-JAN-16 >; ===================================================================== >; >; Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998 by Mentec, Inc., U.S.A. >; All rights reserved >; >; Generate a CEX System, Version 04.06, for your RSX-11M-PLUS target system. >; >; The following CEX Products may be generated >; DECnet >; >; The distribution kits must be up to the current patch level. If >; necessary, you should stop the generation and apply the necessary >; patches. >; >; The logical device name LB: should already be assigned to the device >; which contains the library files for the system you are generating. >; These files are EXELIB.OLB, EXEMC.MLB, RSXMAC.SML, SYSLIB.OLB and >; NOANSLIB.OLB for RSX-11M-PLUS and 11SLIB.OLB for RSX-11S. >; >; The logical device names IN:, OU:, LS: and MP: should not be assigned >; to any devices before starting the generation. These logical device >; names are used by NETGEN to refer to various disks used during the >; generation. >; >; >; Do you want to: >* -Continue, E-Exit [S]: >; >; >; ==================================================================== >; NETGEN Disk contains NO DECNET AUTOPATCH corrections >; ==================================================================== >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 1 - General Initialization >; ===================================================================== >; >* 01.00 Do you want to see the NETGEN notes/cautions [D=N]? [Y/N]: >* 02.00 Target system device [dduu, D=SY:] [S]: >* 03.00 Listing/map device [dduu, D=None] [S]: >* 04.00 UIC Group Code for NETGEN output [O R:1-377 D:5]: >; >; Checking for required tasks and UICs. >; >; >; Creating UFD for SY:[005,001] >; Creating UFD for SY:[005,010] >; >; 07.00 User ID to be used to identify your new responses >* [D=None] [S R:0.-30.]: >* 08.00 Is this generation to be a dry run [D=N]? [Y/N]: >* 09.00 Do you want a standard function network [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y >* 11.00 Should old files be deleted [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y >; >; Do you want to: >* -Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 2 - Define the target system >; ===================================================================== >; >* 02.00 RSXMC.MAC location (ddu:[g,m], D=SY:[011,010]) [S]: >; >; SY00:[011,010]RSXMC.MAC is being copied to SY:[005,010]RSXMC.MAC >; >; SY:[005,010]RSXMC.MAC is being scanned to define your target system. >; This may take up to several minutes. >; >; The target is an RSX-11M-PLUS system, with... >; A 20K-Executive >; Kernel data space enabled >; Extended memory support (more than 124K words of memory) >; Multi-user protection >; Extended instruction set (EIS) >; Powerfail recovery support >; Dynamic task checkpoint allocation >; PLAS support >; Queue Manager (QMG) support >; >; Creating UFD for SY:[005,024] >; Creating UFD for SY:[005,054] >; >* 04.00 RSX11M.STB location (ddu:[g,m], D=SY00:[001,054]) [S]: >; >; SY00:[001,054]RSX11M.STB is being copied to SY:[005,054]RSX11M.STB >; >; >; Checking for required library files and tasks. >; >* 05.00 Should tasks link to the Supervisor Mode FCS library [D=N]? [Y/N]: >* 06.00 Should tasks link to the Memory Resident FCS library [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y >; >; The DECnet CEX Product will be generated. >; >; Routing or non-routing nodes can be generated from your distribution kit. >; >; >; Do you want to: >* -Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 3 - Define the system lines >; ===================================================================== >; >* 01.00 Device Driver Process name [ =Done] [S R:0-3]: UNA >* 02.00 How many UNA controllers are there [D R:1.-16. D:1.]: >; >* 03.01 CSR address for UNA-0 [O R:160000-177777 D:174510]: >* 03.02 Vector address for UNA-0 [O R:0-774 D:120]: >* 03.03 Device priority for UNA-0 [O R:4-6 D:5]: >; >* 04.07 Set the state for UNA-0 ON when loading the network [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y >; >* 01.00 Device Driver Process name [ =Done] [S R:0-3]: >; >; >; Do you want to: >* -Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 4 - Define the CEX System >; ===================================================================== >; >; Creating build files for AUX, the CEX Auxillary routine. >; >; Creating build files for CETAB, the CEX configuration tables. >; >; Creating build files for the DDMs, the device driver modules. >; >; UNA >; >; >; Do you want to: >* -Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 5 - Define the Comm Exec Support Components >; ===================================================================== >; >; Creating build files for NTINIT, the network initializer. >; >; Creating build files for NTL, the network loader. >; >; Creating build files for MLD, the general microcode loader. >; >; Creating build files for EVL/EVC, the event logger and collector. >; >; EVL will use 6. event buffers. >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 6 - Define the System Management Utilities >; ===================================================================== >; >; Creating build files for NCP, the network control program. >; >; Creating build files for NMVACP and NMDRV, the Network Management >; Volatile ACP and driver. >; >; Creating build files for CFE, the configuration file editor. >; >; Creating build files for NDA, the network dump analyzer. >; >; Creating build files for VNP, the virtual network control program. >; >; Creating build files for LOO, the loop test sender task. >; >; Creating build files for EVF, the event file interpreter program. >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 7 - Define the CEX Products >; ===================================================================== >; >; Questions concerning the following CEX Products will now be asked. >; >; DECnet >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; DEC - DECnet CEX Product Generation Procedure >; Starting questions at 20:07:38 on 21-JAN-16 >; ===================================================================== >; >; Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998 by Mentec, Inc., U.S.A. >; All rights reserved >; >; Generate the DECnet CEX Product for your RSX-11M-PLUS target >; System. >; >; ===================================================================== >; DEC - Section 1 - Define the target and remote nodes >; ===================================================================== >; >* 01.00 What is the target node name [S R:0-6]: PISTON >* 02.00 What is the target node address [S R:0.-8.]: 1.77 >* 03.00 Target node ID [D=None] [S R:0.-32.]: Simh/RSX11M+ System >* 04.00 Do you want to generate a routing node [D=N]? [Y/N]: >; >; Extended network support for network command terminals and products >; layered on DECnet, will be included. >; >* 07.00 Remote node name [ =Done] [S R:0-6]: >; >; The DECnet MACRO user library and FORTRAN/COBOL/BASIC+2 library will >; be included. >; >; The DECnet MACRO user library will be placed on your target disk >; as "SY:[1,1]NETLIB.MLB". >; >; The DECnet FORTRAN/COBOL/BASIC+2 object library will be placed on your >; target disk as "SY:[1,1]NETFOR.OLB". >; >; If necessary, please move them to the library disk (LB:) on your >; target system, if this is different from your target disk (SY:). >; >; >; Do you want to: >* -Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; DEC - Section 2 - Define the DECnet Communications Components >; ===================================================================== >; >; Creating build files for XPT, the routing process. >; >; Creating build files for ECL, the network services process and driver. >; >; Creating build files for NETACP, the network services ACP. >; >; NETACP will be checkpointable. >; >; Creating build files for EPM, the Ethernet protocol manager process. >; >; ===================================================================== >; DEC - Section 3 - Define the DECnet Network Management Components >; ===================================================================== >; >; Creating build files for NICE, the network information and control >; server task. >; >; Creating build files for EVR, the network event receiver task. >; >; Creating build files for NTD, the node state display task. >; >; Creating build files for NTDEMO, the node state display server task. >; >; Creating build files for LIN, the link watcher task. >; >; Creating build files for MIR, the loop test mirror task. >; >; Creating build files for NVP, the network connect verification task. >; >; Creating build files for SCP, the node name server control task. >; >; Creating build files for NNC, the node name collector task. >; >; Creating build files for NNS, the node name server. >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; DEC - Section 4 - Define the DECnet Satellite Support Components >; ===================================================================== >; >* 02.00 Do you want the Satellite Support Components [D=N]? [Y/N]: >; >; Do you want to: >* -Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; DEC - Section 5 - Define the DECnet File Utilities >; ===================================================================== >; >; Creating build files for NFT, the network file access user task. >; >; Creating build files for FTS, the network file access spooler >; user task. >; >; Creating build files for FAL, the network file access server. >; >; FAL will support RMS file access. >; FAL will be a multi-copy object. >; FAL will not be overlaid. >; FAL will use the memory resident RMS library. >; FAL user data buffer size will be 2048 bytes. >; >; Creating build files for MCM, the network command or batch file >; submission server. >; >; MCM requests will be queued to BATCH. >; >; ===================================================================== >; DEC - Section 6 - Define the DECnet Terminal and Control Utilities >; ===================================================================== >; >; Creating build files for RMT and RMTACP, the remote network terminal >; task and ACP. >; >; The maximum number of simultaneous RMT users is 4. >; >; Creating build files for HT: and RMHACP, the remote network terminal >; driver and ACP. >; >; RMHACP will support 4 simultaneous incoming connections. >; HTDRV will support 4 HT: units. >; >; Creating build files for NCT, the network command terminal server >; >; Creating build files for RTH, the network command terminal host >; support. >; >; Creating build files for TLK, the remote talk user task. >; >; Creating build files for LSN, the remote talk server task. >; >; Creating build files for PHO, the inter-terminal conversation utility. >; >; Creating build files for LAT/LCP, the Local Area Transport terminal >; service process and LAT Control Program >; >; Creating build files for TCL, the remote task control server task. >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; DEC - DECnet CEX Product Generation Procedure >; DECnet question/answer section completed at 20:13:15 on 21-JAN-16 >; ===================================================================== >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 8 - Complete the CEX System Definitions >; ===================================================================== >; >; Creating build files for DLX, the Direct Line Access process. >; >* 02.00 What is the Large Data Buffer (LDB) size [D R:576.-1484. D:576.]: >; >; Do you want to: >* -Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 9 - Build the CEX System at 20:13:29 on 21-JAN-16 >; ===================================================================== >; >; All questions have now been asked and the selected components will now >; be built. This may take from one to three hours, depending on the >; selection of components and the system you are running on. >; >PIP SY:[005,054]CETAB.MAC/PU/NM >PIP SY:[005,054]AUX.DAT/PU/NM >; >SET /UIC=[1,2] >PIP OU:[1,2]NETHLP.ULB=IN:[1,2]NETHLPD.HLP >PIP OU:[1,2]NETHLP.ULB/PU/NM >SET /UIC=[005,024] >; >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[3,54]RSXVEC.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]AUX.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[131,54]AUX.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]AUX.TSK/PU/NM,AUX.STB >MAC @OU:[5,24]CETABASM.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]CETAB.OBJ/PU/NM >TKB @OU:[5,24]CETABBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]CETAB.TSK/PU/NM,CETAB.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]NTINIT.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]NTINIT.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]NTL.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]NTL.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]MLD.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[132,54]MLD.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]MLD.TSK/PU/NM,MLD.STB >MAC @OU:[5,24]EVLASM.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]EVLDAT.OBJ/PU/NM >TKB @OU:[5,24]EVLBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[131,24]EVL.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]EVL.TSK/PU/NM,EVL.STB,EVL.DAT >TKB @OU:[5,24]EVCBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]EVC.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NCPRES.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]NCPRES.TSK/PU/NM >MAC @OU:[5,24]NMVACPASM.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]NMDRV.OBJ/PU/NM,NMTAB.OBJ >TKB @OU:[5,24]NMVACPBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NMVACP.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[135,54]NMVACP.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]NMVACP.TSK/PU/NM,NMDRV.TSK,NMDRV.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]CFERES.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]CFERES.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[141,54]NDA.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]NDA.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]VNP.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]VNP.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]LOO.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[135,54]LOO.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]LOO.TSK/PU/NM,LOO.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]EVFRES.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]EVFRES.TSK/PU/NM >MAC @OU:[5,24]DLXASM.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]DLXTAB.OBJ/PU/NM >TKB @OU:[5,24]DLXBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]DLX.DAT/NV=IN:[131,24]DLX.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]DLX.TSK/PU/NM,DLX.STB,DLX.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]DLXTAB.TSK/PU/NM,DLXTAB.STB >; >TKB @OU:[5,24]UNABLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]UNA.TSK/PU/NM,UNA.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[131,24]UNA.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]UNA.DAT/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]UNAMC.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]UNAMC.TSK/PU/NM >SET /UIC=[1,1] >PIP OU:[1,1]NETLIB.MLB/NV=IN:[1,10]NETLIBU.MLB >PIP OU:[1,1]NETLIB.MLB/PU >LBR OU:[1,1]NETFOR.OBS=IN:[133,24]DAPFOR/EX >LBR OU:[1,1]NETTMP.OBS=IN:[133,24]DAPTRC/EX >LBR OU:[1,1]NETFOR/CO:1:320.:192.=IN:[134,24]NETFOR.OLB >LBR OU:[1,1]NETFOR/IN=OU:[1,1]NETFOR.OBS >LBR OU:[1,1]NETFOR/IN/-EP=OU:[1,1]NETTMP.OBS >LBR OU:[1,1]NETFOR/DG:$MBLUN:$ASTBL:$ASTLU Entry points deleted: $MBLUN $ASTBL $ASTLU >PIP OU:[1,1]NETFOR.OBS;*/DE,NETTMP.OBS;* >PIP OU:[1,1]NETFOR.OLB/PU >SET /UIC=[005,024] >PIP OU:[005,024]/NV=IN:[137,24]NTEST.CMD >PIP OU:[005,024]NTEST.CMD/PU/NM >SET /UIC=[005,054] >PIP OU:[005,054]/NV/CO=IN:[133,54]DTS.TSK,DTR.TSK >PIP OU:[005,054]DTS.TSK/PU/NM,DTR.TSK >SET /UIC=[005,024] >TKB @OU:[5,24]XPTBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]XPT.DAT/NV=IN:[131,24]XPT.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]XPT.TSK/PU/NM,XPT.STB,XPT.DAT >MAC @OU:[5,24]ECLASM.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]ECLTAB.OBJ/PU/NM >TKB @OU:[5,24]ECLBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]ECL.DAT/NV=IN:[131,24]ECL.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]ECL.TSK/PU/NM,ECL.STB,ECLTAB.TSK,ECLTAB.STB,ECL.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]PROXY.TSK >TKB @OU:[5,24]NETACPBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]NETACP.TSK/PU/NM,NETACP.STB >TKB @OU:[5,24]EPMBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[131,24]EPM.DAT,EPMST.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]EPM.TSK/PU/NM,EPM.STB,EPM.DAT,EPMST.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NICE.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]NICE.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]EVR.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]EVR.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NTD.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]NTD.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NTDEMO.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]NTDEMO.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]LIN.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]LIN.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]MIR.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[135,54]MIR.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]MIR.TSK/PU/NM,MIR.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]NVP.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]NVP.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[165,54]SCPRES.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]SCPRES.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[161,54]NNCRES.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]NNCRES.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[162,54]NNDRV.TSK,NNDRV.STB,NNS.TSK,IN:[162,24]NNS.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]NNDRV.TSK,NNDRV.STB,NNS.TSK,NNS.DAT/PU/NM >TKB @OU:[5,24]NFTBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]NFTRES.TSK/PU/NM >SET /UIC=[5,24] >MAC @OU:[5,24]FTSASM.CMD >TKB @OU:[5,24]FTSBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]FTSRES.TSK/PU/NM,FTSDEQRES.TSK >SET /UIC=[5,24] >MAC @OU:[5,24]FALASM.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]FALPRM.OBJ/PU/NM >TKB @OU:[5,24]FALBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]FAL.TSK/PU/NM,FALRES.TSK,FALFSL.TSK >TKB @OU:[5,24]MCMBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]MCM.TSK/PU/NM >MAC @OU:[5,24]RMTASM.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]RMTACP.OBJ/PU/NM >TKB @OU:[5,24]RMTBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]RMT.TSK/PU/NM,RMTACP.TSK >MAC @OU:[5,24]RMHACPASM.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]RMHACP.OBJ/PU/NM,HTTAB.OBJ >TKB @OU:[5,24]RMHACPBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]RMHACP.TSK/PU/NM,HTDRV.TSK,HTDRV.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[140,54]TRXCTL.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[140,54]TRXCOL.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]TRXCTL.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]TRXCOL.TSK/PU/NM >TKB @OU:[5,24]NCTBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]NCT.DAT/NV=IN:[140,24]NCT.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]NCT.TSK/PU/NM,NCT.STB,NCT.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]NCT1.TSK/PU/NM,NCT1.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]NCTCTL.TSK/PU/NM >MAC @OU:[5,24]RTHASM.CMD >TKB @OU:[5,24]RTHBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]RTHTAB.OBJ/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]RTH.DAT/NV=IN:[140,24]RTH.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]RTH.TSK/PU/NM,RTH.STB,RTH.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]RTHTAB.TSK/PU/NM,RTHTAB.STB >TKB @OU:[5,24]TLKBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]TLKRES.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[133,54]LSN.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]LSN.TSK/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[133,54]PHONE.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]PHONE.TSK/PU/NM >SET /UIC=[1,2] >PIP OU:[1,2]/NV=IN:[133,10]PHONEHELP.HLP >PIP OU:[1,2]PHONEHELP.HLP/PU >SET /UIC=[5,24] >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]LCP.TSK >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]LAT.TSK,LAT.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]LAT1.TSK,LAT1.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]LTD.TSK,LTD.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]LTD1.TSK,LTD1.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]LAT.DAT/NV=IN:[131,24]LAT.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]LTD.DAT/NV=IN:[131,24]LTD.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]LAT.TSK/PU/NM,LAT.STB,LAT.DAT >PIP OU:[5,54]LAT1.TSK/PU/NM,LAT1.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]LTD.TSK/PU/NM,LTD.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]LTD1.TSK/PU/NM,LTD1.STB >PIP OU:[5,54]LTD.DAT/PU/NM >PIP OU:[5,54]LCP.TSK/PU/NM >MAC @OU:[5,24]TCLASM.CMD >PIP OU:[5,24]TCLPWD.OBJ/PU/NM >TKB @OU:[5,24]TCLBLD.CMD >PIP OU:[5,54]TCL.TSK/PU/NM >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - Section 10 - Generation Clean Up >; ===================================================================== >; >; Creating NETCFG.TXT, the network configuration description file. >; Creating NETCFE.CMD, the network configuration command file. >; Creating NETINS.CMD, the network installation command file. >; Creating NETREM.CMD, the network removal command file. >; >; >; The network HELP file library has been placed on your target disk, as: >; >; SY:[1,2]NETHLP.ULB >; >; This file should be moved to your target systems library device (LB:). >; >; >; ===================================================================== >; NET - RSX-11M-PLUS CEX System Generation Procedure >; Stopped at 20:13:49 on 21-JAN-16 >; ===================================================================== >; >@ >RUN $SHUTUP RSX-11M-PLUS Shut down program Enter minutes to wait before shutdown: Reason for shutdown ( for none): OK to shutdown? [Y/N]: Y r logins are disabled21-JAN-16 20:14 System is now shutting down -- PISTON QUE /STO:QMG > STOP/ACCOUNTING SHUTUP 20:14:24 SYSLOG -- 47. Exiting > @LB:[1,2]SHUTUP >VCP DISCONNECT /ALL >@ > ELI /NOLOG > ACS DB0:/BLKS=0. ACS -- Checkpoint file now inactive > DMO DB0:/DEV/LOCK=V DMO -- System disk being dismounted DMO -- SYSTEM dismounted from DB0: *** Final dismount initiated *** 20:14:25 *** DB0: -- Dismount complete > DMO DL0:/DEV/LOCK=V DMO -- TT0: dismounted from DL0: *** Final dismount initiated *** 20:14:30 *** DL0: -- Dismount complete > SHUTUP operation complete