FORTRAN-77 5.4

Posted by Unik on 01.09.2017

Как то я уже писал про установку FORTRAN-77 в RSX11M+ только версии 5.3 которая не совсем подходит, хотелось версию посвежее да еще и с установленными патчами.

Версия 5.4 все же нашлась и успешно установилась. Ниже показана установка с устройства RL02 на котором лежит образ ленты F77V54.TAP

>MOU DL0: F77
VCP - Device VF0: (MU1:) has been assigned.

>BRU /REW/UFD/NOI/NEW/BAC:aut101.a MU1: DU0:
BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - Completed

>SET /UIC=[367,367]
>SET /DEF=[367,367]
RSX-11M/M-PLUS Auto-Install Procedure V1.1
          24-MAR-16    18:42:19
Type "?" for help; CTRL/Z to end; or valid input.
Which product(s) do you want to install? F77

Type "?" for help; CTRL/Z to exit Auto-Install; or valid input.
Where are the update files located ? 

Type "?" for help; CTRL/Z to skip this product; or valid input.
Which device are the distribution files for F77 (F77) located on (include colon)
? MU1:
BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - Completed

Products being installed:

    Device  Product Task name

    ------  ------- ---------

    MU1:    F77 (F77)
Determining system configuration.

BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - Completed

WARNING -- no updates found for configuration data file; procedure continuing.

Do you want to customize F77 (F77) (Y/N) ? 

Installation of F77 (F77) beginning at 24-MAR-16 18:44:39

Reading F77F77.CFG.

Transferring kit files to work area.
BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - Completed

BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on MU1:

BRU - Completed

18:44:40  *** MU1:  -- Dismount completeDMO -- TT0:    dismounted from MU1:    *** Final dismount initiated ***
Updating kit files.

Module "CMDUTI" replaced

Module "CODEX1" replaced

Module "IOBLKS" replaced

Module "$DATE " replaced

Module "$IDATE" replaced

Building product F77 (F77).

        Running command procedure BLDTKB.CMD

        Building product FORTRAN-77

        BUILD FCS Version of the FORTRAN-77 OTS
Entry points deleted:

        BUILD RMS Version of the FORTRAN-77 OTS
Entry points deleted:

        Copying FORTRAN-77 FCS OTS to LB:[1,1]

        Copying FORTRAN-77 RMS OTS to LB:[1,1]

        Copy files to correct locations

            FORTRAN-77 release notes

            FORTRAN-77 message file

            FORTRAN-77 compiler overlay descriptor file

            FORTRAN-77 compiler TKB command file

            FORTRAN-77 overlay descriptor file for the FCS OTS

            FORTRAN-77 overlay descriptor file for the RMS OTS

            FORTRAN-77 RSX-11S OTS

            FORTRAN-77 alternate convert module

            FORTRAN-77 extended instruction set module

            FORTRAN-77 alternate error reporting module

            FORTRAN-77 alternate I/O module

            FORTRAN-77 alternate random number generator

            FORTRAN-77 intrinsic mapping module

            File for building OTS resident libraries and vector

            File to exclude FORTRAN-77 OTS entry points

            File used in building OTS resident library vector

            Command file for building clustered FCS OTS

            TKB command file for clustered FCS OTS

            Clustered FCS OTS tailor file

            Command file for building non-clustered FCS OTS

            TKB command file for non-clustered FCS OTS

            Non-clustered FCS OTS tailor file

            Command file for FCS OTS linked against FCSFSL

            TKB file for FCS OTS linking against FCSFSL

            Tailor file for FCS OTS linked against FCSFSL

            Command file for building clustered RMS OTS

            TKB command file for clustered RMS OTS

            Clustered RMS OTS tailor file

            File needed to build FCS OTS resident libraries

        Copying F77.TSK to LB:[3,54]F77.TSK

Transferring files from work area.
Running IVP command procedure F77IVP.CMD.
    Test the compiler's ability to detect a compile time error

    The following error should be seen:

   F77 -- ERROR 28-E Overflow while converting constant or constant expression

                      [I = 71347] in module F77TST at line 6

    F77 -- 1 Error F77TST.FTN;1
   **************************** end of comment ********************************

F77 -- ERROR 28-E Overflow while converting constant or constant expression
          [I = 71347] in module F77TST at line 6
F77 -- 1 Error  F77TST.FTN;1        

        Task-build the test program

    Test the ability of the OTS to detect the run-time error.

    The following message should be displayed:
    NNNNNN  --  ERROR 73

    Floating zero divide

    at PC = xxxxxx

      in   "F77TST" at or after 6

    Where NNNNNN is the task name and xxxxxx is the actual program location
    **************************** end of comment ***************************
       Testing the FCS version of the FORTRAN-77 OTS
TT0  --  ERROR 73

Floating zero divide

at PC = 001740

  in   "F77TST" at or after 6

TT0  --  STOP 

       Testing the RMS version of the FORTRAN-77 OTS
TT0  --  ERROR 73

Floating zero divide

at PC = 044234

  in   "F77TST" at or after 6

TT0  --  STOP 

        Purging old files
Installation of F77 (F77) ending at 24-MAR-16 18:44:46.

Installation of F77 (F77) successful.
Auto-Install ended on 24-MAR-16 at 18:44:46.

Готово! Ну и остается только прописать в STARTUP.CMD его загрузку:

.; FORTRAN77 v5.4
    .IFNINS ...F77 INS $F77